Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Electric Car Parts – Everything You Need To Know

The electric carriage requires three electric car parts to drive: a motor at powered an automobile, batteries that storage energy, motor’s controller that brings and control electricity from batteries to engine. The driver manages speed of car using accelerator connected with motor’s controller through potentiometer (resistor with variable resistance). Controller brings required level of power depending on what position driver sticks pedal of accelerator.

Controller uses pulsing principle to regulate the power on the engine. It means that when driver pushes accelerator pedal controller gets level of voltage on potentiometer. Depending on this level controller cuts the power from accumulator batteries and brings these portions to the engine. Let’s assume that driver pushes pedal on 30%.

Controller reads this level from potentiometer and cut power with equal portions (impulses) for example 20 thousand times per second.  So 6 thousand impulses have maximum voltage level, 14 thousand have zero level. After second controller again reads voltage level from potentiometer and calculates the number of impulses.

The number of impulses per second is important criteria for controller because impulse frequency causes the same engine vibration frequency. As human hearing frequency threshold is 15 thousand per second. So when impulse frequency is more than 15 thousand per second it keeps silent engine work for human.
DC controller works using principle described above. AC controller is much more complicated.

Because it produces three phase alternating current from batteries’ direct current. So it uses impulse principle for pulse the current and also it reverses polarity of the voltage 60 times per second using set of transistors.
As you see AC motors and controllers are more complicated for installation during electric vehicle conversion than DC motor, but they produce more power comparing with the same weight as DC engines.

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